Sunday, February 22, 2009

2/22/09 Pick Your Smile Up story

Whether you are a Christian or not, this video proves that a smile can change somebody's life forever. If you have a minute please take the time to watch:

Monday, February 9, 2009

2/8/09 Pick Your Smile Up story

My mom is a four-time cancer survivor. That means for 11 of my 21 years she battled with cancer in front of my own eyes, causing me to grow up and experience more than most, all beginning at the age of 4. She was miraculously healed each time she was confronted with the disease. Even though times were hard and I saw sickness tear her down, images in my mind of her smiling and being happy overlap all of the bad ones. She is now my biggest motivator and inspires me to continue smiling through every good and bad situation. For inspiration every week from her, visit her blog HERE.

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Pick Your Smile Up

Sunday, February 1, 2009

2/1/09 Pick Your Smile Up story

So the other day I was in downtown St. Paul getting into my car when a man approached me and asked for a quarter. He was parked a few cars ahead of me and was short on change to feed the parking meter. Being in a good mood I handed the man two quarters. He looked a little confused at first but definitely had a smile on his face as he thanked me and walked away. Not only did it put a smile on the man's face, but it also "picked my smile up" in seeing his happiness. 


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Pick Your Smile Up.